Skei i Jølster observation station

0 km from Skei i Jølster

Skei i Jølster observation station

Last 13 months


  1. Precipitation

    Last 13 months

    The wettest day measured 66.3mm on 17 Oct.

    Wettest month (Oct.)
    Precipitation 300.0mm
    Wettest day (17 Oct.)
    Precipitation 66.3mm
    Days with precipitation 172
  2. Snow

    Last 13 months

    The maximum snow depth was 75.0 cm (multiple dates)

    Max snow depth
    Snow depth75.0 cm
Weather statistics for June 2023 to June 2024
Month Average temperature Normal Deviation Total precipitation mm Normal mm Highest wind speed m/s Strongest gust m/s

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