Boazoaivi observation station

30.5 km from Gávesluokta

Boazoaivi observation station

22 March 2023


  1. Temperature

    22 March 2023

    Average Temperature-13.3°
    Normal Temperature-7.5°
    Deviance Temperature-5.8°
  2. Wind

    22 March 2023

    Unable to summarize period. The station has missing data.

  3. Snow

    22 March 2023

    The snow depth measured 56.0 cm at 00–01 hr.

    Max snow depth (00–01 hr.)
    Snow depth56.0 cm

Wednesday 22 March

Weather statistics for 22 March 2023 at 01:00 to 22 March 2023 at 01:00
Time Weather Min. temp. Max temp. Measured temp. Precip. mm Snow depth cm Wind speed m/s Strongest gust m/s Humidity %

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