Lebesby - Karlmyhr observation station

6.6 km from Oldervik

Lebesby - Karlmyhr observation station

2 August 2020


  1. Temperature

    2 August 2020

    Unable to summarize period. The station has missing data.

  2. Precipitation

    2 August 2020

    There was a total amount of 0.0mm precipitation this period

    Precipitation 0.0mm
  3. Wind

    2 August 2020

    Unable to summarize period. The station has missing data.

  4. Snow

    2 August 2020

    The maximum snow depth was 0.0 cm (multiple hours)

    Max snow depth
    Snow depth0.0 cm

Sunday 2 August

Weather statistics for 2 August 2020 at 02:00 to 2 August 2020 at 02:00
Time Weather Min. temp. Max temp. Measured temp. Precip. mm Snow depth cm Wind speed m/s Strongest gust m/s Humidity %

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