Stakkevollan observation station

3.4 km from Rydland

Stakkevollan observation station

Last 30 days


  1. Temperature

    Last 30 days

    The temperature varied from 6.1° to 24.4°

    Highest (23 June)
    Lowest (14 June)
  2. Precipitation

    Last 30 days

    The wettest day measured 10.2mm on 7 July

    Precipitation 42.8mm
    Wettest day (7 July)
    Precipitation 10.2mm
    Days with precipitation 8

June 2024

Weather statistics for 10 June 2024 to 30 June 2024
Date Min. temp. Max temp. Average Normal temp. Precip. mm (measured at 07) Snow depth cm Wind speed m/s Highest wind speed m/s

July 2024

Weather statistics for 1 July 2024 to 9 July 2024
Date Min. temp. Max temp. Average Normal temp. Precip. mm (measured at 07) Snow depth cm Wind speed m/s Highest wind speed m/s

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