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Showing 20 hits for ’ kboؿܹ ̺ٸûƮ ౸¹пм Ʈ ¹ γ Ʈ Ȩ õƮ’

  1. T’ek’otPopulated place, Tigray (Ethiopia), elevation 2693 m
  2. T’oet’anPopulated place, South Hwanghae (North Korea), elevation 63 m
  3. T’ot’ruknerField, Syunik (Armenia), elevation 1970 m
  4. T’ot’eiField, Gegharkunik (Armenia), elevation 1960 m
  5. T’oet’al-liPopulated place, Kangwŏn-do (North Korea), elevation 93 m
  6. T-Top AirfieldAirfield, Bedford, Tennessee (United States), elevation 234 m
  7. T’at’ot’ambMountain, Lori (Armenia), elevation 1853 m
  8. Top T FarmsFarm, Grant, Wisconsin (United States), elevation 343 m
  9. T’u-la-t’e HoRiver (Mongolia), elevation 903 m
  10. T’t’ujurPopulated place, Tavush (Armenia), elevation 1002 m
  11. T’t’ujurPopulated place, Aragatsotn (Armenia), elevation 1923 m
  12. T’t’ujurPopulated place, Aragatsotn (Armenia), elevation 1893 m
  13. T't'ujurPopulated place, Gegharkunik (Armenia), elevation 1757 m
  14. T’ot’a Āmba Shet’River, Amhara (Ethiopia), elevation 1591 m
  15. T’oGh Ch’ot’erRiver, Syunik (Armenia), elevation 2120 m
  16. T & T ColonySection of populated place, Peshāwar District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Pakistan), elevation 334 m
  17. T & T ColonySection of populated place, Peshāwar District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Pakistan), elevation 326 m
  18. T & T ColonySection of populated place, Islamabad (Pakistan), elevation 550 m
  19. T & T ColonySection of populated place, Rawalpindi District, Punjab (Pakistan), elevation 512 m
  20. T & T ColonySection of populated place, Sindh (Pakistan), elevation 24 m

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